Monday, June 30, 2014

Notebook: "look like you could be possessed"

“I was instructed to bring you to the factory building,” Fell said.  “Turn around, look at me.” 
I did, leaning against the car door for support. 
“What?” I asked. 
“I don’t have to bring you if I have reason to believe you’re not you.  You look like you could be possessed.” 
“You’re fucking with me?” I asked. 
“If your head turned around three hundred and sixty degrees,” Fell said, his tone placid, “and you started spewing projectile vomit everywhere, I wouldn’t be particularly surprised.”

So this was a fun one. Didn't turn out the way I initially wanted it to... but I wanted to sort of capture what a very tired and fucked up Blake might look like when using the Sight. Which somehow includes flame-like hair? Maybe its the radiation.
I have no idea.

Moving on. 

More doodles.

I intend to come back and finish fleshing out this scene - drawing Fell with a gun is ever so fun :D
Personal update: injured my hand last week - its healed now and I've been an insomniac since then, churning doodles out left and right. Hoping I'll get lots of little goodies posted this week. 


  1. Blake seriously needs to work on the self-care. Put his hair out, at least. Stop cutting himself so that he bleeds feathers, etc.

  2. Sigh. I know. Poor kid. (Really want to draw the whole bleeding feathers thing next....)

    I just finished the latest, 7.11. Have you read it? I am seriously freaking out over here! Wildbow is a cruel, cruel man.

    1. He's even crueller, considering that we won't get to find out what happened to Blake until after at least a couple of weeks of Maggie having adventures in Jacob's Bell.

      Poor Blake.
